Cagliari Deca (1kg)Cagliari Deca offers a unique experience for all coffee lovers who desire a taste without caffeine . This delicious blend guarantees lightness without having to give up the delicate and aromatic qualities that coffee offers. Composition: The very foundation of Cagliari Deca lies in its unique composition . The 60% Arabica beans are carefully selected and processed to provide the specific sweet notes of...
- HKD 450.00
- HKD 450.00
- 單價
- 每
卡利亞裡 Puro 44 生物有機 (1kg)A refined blend of 100% Arabica coffees coming from organic cultivations in Central and South America. The distinct sweetness of chocolate and caramel scents combines with the slightly acidic notes of citrus fruit. A balanced coffee, pleasantly full-bodied and enveloping, with a good persistence....
- HKD 260.00
- HKD 260.00
- 單價
- 每
Cagliari Gran Rossa (1kg)我們選擇了來自南美洲的阿拉比卡咖啡豆和上等羅布斯塔咖啡豆,製作出口感平衡、持久味道的咖啡,帶有巧克力、乾果和新鮮出爐餅乾的香氣。 重量:1公斤 成分:阿拉比卡 - 羅布斯塔產地:南美洲 - 東非烘焙程度:中度 - 深度香氣特點:巧克力、乾果、餅乾
- HKD 350.00
- HKD 350.00
- 單價
- 每
Cagliari Crem Espresso(1公斤)為典型的意大利濃縮咖啡混合咖啡,具有強烈的特色。阿拉比卡和羅布斯塔咖啡的完美平衡混合賦予其濃郁的風味和濃郁的香氣,並帶有濃郁的奶油。每種品種的單獨烘焙,然後才混合在一起,保證了可靠和穩定的質量水平。包裝提供單向空氣閥,以保持香氣和新鮮度不變。注意:這正是早餐的混合物,但在名稱和包裝上進行了重新設計。60% 阿拉比卡 - 40% 羅布斯塔
- HKD 300.00
- HKD 300.00
- 單價
- 每
Cagliari Espresso Bar (1公斤)A blend of Arabica and Robusta in which the sweet scents of dried fruit and caramel coming from Central and South American origins are perfectly balanced with the nutty and bitter cocoa scents of Robusta. Character and intensity for a full bodied and enveloping...
- HKD 480.00
- HKD 480.00
- 單價
- 每
卡利亞裡超級羅 (1kg)A refined blend of Arabica and Robusta in which the sweet notes of caramel and almond, typical of its Central and South American origins, stand out, balanced by the hints of bitter cocoa of a fine Robusta. A coffee with a velvety and enveloping...
- HKD 540.00
- HKD 540.00
- 單價
- 每
卡利亞裡 Puro 44 生物有機 (1kg)A refined blend of 100% Arabica coffees coming from organic cultivations in Central and South America. The distinct sweetness of chocolate and caramel scents combines with the slightly acidic notes of citrus fruit. A balanced coffee, pleasantly full-bodied and enveloping, with a good persistence....
- HKD 500.00
- HKD 500.00
- 單價
- 每
Cagliari Deca (250g) 咖啡粉這款無咖啡因混合咖啡具有輕盈的口感和細膩的香氣特點。南美阿拉比卡咖啡所特有的榛果和焦糖的甜味與羅布斯塔咖啡的苦澀可可豆相互平衡。這款咖啡具有豐滿的酒體、柔滑的奶泡和甜美的巧克力餘韻。 重量:250克 成分:阿拉比卡 - 羅布斯塔產地:南美洲 - 東非烘焙程度:中度 - 深度香氣特點:焦糖、榛果、黑巧克力
- HKD 120.00
- HKD 120.00
- 單價
- 每
「 cagliari-beans* 」有8頁面和文章
Cagliari Deca (1kg)
Cagliari Deca offers a unique experience for all coffee lovers who desire a taste without caffeine . This delicious blend guarantees lightness without having to give up the delicate and aromatic qualities that coffee offers....看看product -
卡利亞裡 Puro 44 生物有機 (1kg)
A refined blend of 100% Arabica coffees coming from organic cultivations in Central and South America. The distinct sweetness of chocolate...看看product -
Cagliari Gran Rossa (1kg)
我們選擇了來自南美洲的阿拉比卡咖啡豆和上等羅布斯塔咖啡豆,製作出口感平衡、持久味道的咖啡,帶有巧克力、乾果和新鮮出爐餅乾的香氣。 重量:1公斤 成分:阿拉比卡 - 羅布斯塔產地:南美洲 - 東非烘焙程度:中度 - 深度香氣特點:巧克力、乾果、餅乾看看product -
Cagliari Crem Espresso(1公斤)
為典型的意大利濃縮咖啡混合咖啡,具有強烈的特色。阿拉比卡和羅布斯塔咖啡的完美平衡混合賦予其濃郁的風味和濃郁的香氣,並帶有濃郁的奶油。每種品種的單獨烘焙,然後才混合在一起,保證了可靠和穩定的質量水平。包裝提供單向空氣閥,以保持香氣和新鮮度不變。注意:這正是早餐的混合物,但在名稱和包裝上進行了重新設計。60% 阿拉比卡 - 40% 羅布斯塔看看product -
Cagliari Espresso Bar (1公斤)
A blend of Arabica and Robusta in which the sweet scents of dried fruit and caramel coming from Central and South...看看product -
卡利亞裡超級羅 (1kg)
A refined blend of Arabica and Robusta in which the sweet notes of caramel and almond, typical of its Central and...看看product -
卡利亞裡 Puro 44 生物有機 (1kg)
A refined blend of 100% Arabica coffees coming from organic cultivations in Central and South America. The distinct sweetness of chocolate...看看product -
Cagliari Deca (250g) 咖啡粉
這款無咖啡因混合咖啡具有輕盈的口感和細膩的香氣特點。南美阿拉比卡咖啡所特有的榛果和焦糖的甜味與羅布斯塔咖啡的苦澀可可豆相互平衡。這款咖啡具有豐滿的酒體、柔滑的奶泡和甜美的巧克力餘韻。 重量:250克 成分:阿拉比卡 - 羅布斯塔產地:南美洲 - 東非烘焙程度:中度 - 深度香氣特點:焦糖、榛果、黑巧克力看看product